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Fall Mini Camp: A Week of Creativity and Fun

Fall Mini Camp: A Week of Creativity and Fun

This year’s Fall Mini Camp on Cowper was a great success. Here are a few highlights from our week!


Monday, October 28th: Treasure Hunt

On the first day of Mini Camp, students were very excited to see their friends. They were also eager to make new friends, as they would spend the week with students from different classes at INTL*. The first day of this session of Mini Camp featured a treasure hunt. Nursery searched their classrooms for goodies and toys that had been hidden. They each collected their items and placed them into a communal basket. Once all the items were found they were able to pick items to take home and share with their families. The Pre-K and Kindergarteners enjoyed their treasure hunt in their respective yards, working together to find all the hidden treasure. It was a really great day!


Tuesday, October 29th: Garden Walk

Due to very cold weather, we shortened the walk planned for today, and kept it local. The nursery took a walk to Cowper’s classroom garden and talked about all the different plants growing in it. They also created wreaths using the leaves they gathered while on their walk. The Pre-K and Kindergarten classes ventured a little further to the garden at the church right behind INTL. On their way there and back, they collected leaves, twigs, and berries of different sizes, shapes, and colors


Wednesday, October 30th: Decorate Cowper!

Today, classes worked on "spooky" art projects to display in their classrooms and around Cowper. They even painted large cardboard boxes black to create "haunted houses." Together, the classes created hanging ghosts, paper bag pumpkins, spiders, balloon skeletons, and much more! The children hoped to spook some parents and family members at pick up time with their creative decor.


Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Potluck

Today everyone was excited for Halloween! It was a day to appreciate all that is sweet and savory. Each class made a dish to share with the other classes for a Halloween potluck. Nursery and Pre-K made pizza and Kindergarten made egg and dairy free cupcakes as well as pizza.

Friday, October 31st: Carnival Games and Wheels Day

Today was extra special, as campers were able to bring in their bike, scooter, or other wheeled transportation, with a helmet, to use during outside play. The last day of Mini Camp also featured carnival games, face painting, popcorn, and hot dogs.

Overall, it was a very successful week, filled with creativity, learning, and fun.

*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.

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