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4th/5th Grade Cultural Exchange Trip to China: Exploring Shanghai, Learning at Qiu Shi Elementary

4th/5th Grade Cultural Exchange Trip to China: Exploring Shanghai, Learning at Qiu Shi Elementary

For the past week, Chinese Program teachers Shu-Chun, ChuHsi and I have accompanied a wonderful group of 4th and 5th graders on a cultural exchange trip to Hangzhou, China.

IMG_5182We began our journey in Shanghai, where we ventured to the top of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, took a tour of the city's past at the very cool Shanghai History Museum, used our bargaining skills to purchase traditional Chinese arts and crafts, and attended an evening performance of Chinese acrobats.

Next, we traveled to Hangzhou, where our partner school, Qiu Shi Elementary, is located, and where our students would be staying with their host families.

IMG_0132When we arrived at Qiu Shi School, the entire school greeted us with much fanfare. On our first day there, students attended classes, took a golf lesson in Chinese (complete with driving range), shared views on differences between Chinese and American culture with their Chinese classmates, and learned how to make dumplings.

Other highlights of our time at Qiu Shi School included learning how to play Chinese flutes, Chinese art classes, and making friends with our new classmates.

IMG_4849The teachers and I also taught the Chinese students at Qui Shi, and participated in a workshop for their teachers.  I can't tell you how impressed the faculty here is with our INTL* teachers and students.Throughout the trip, our students have really persevered and pushed themselves to try new things and adjust to a very different environment.  We are all very proud of them.

Take a look at the videos below to see some highlights of the trip, as well as a short look at our students’ farewell performance!

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Farewell Performance

*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.

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