Mar 9, 2023
The Board of Directors for Silicon Valley International School (INTL) of Palo Alto, CA and the Board of Trustees of Alto International School (Alto) of Menlo Park, CA are excited to announce a full merger of our two schools, to be known as Silicon Valley International School.
Silicon Valley International School's high school French language acquisition classes (students who are not in the primary French immersion program) participated in the 2023 California Poetry Contest, otherwise known as the "Concours de Poésie."
In class, students analyzed, discussed, and memorized famous poems from the French-speaking world, according to their respective level.
Ten students were selected to represent our school. Four students obtained exceptional results: Silja (9th) obtained first prize in the highest category (level 5) with "Le Corbeau et le renard" by Jean de la Fontaine; Nicolas (10th) ranked second with "Le Pélican de Jonathan" by Robert Desnos (level 3), Nika (10th) ranked second with "Novembre" by Michelle Ruiz (level 2), and Nyla (10th) ranked third with "Le bruit de la mer" by Claude Roy (level 1).
Félicitations to our hardworking students!