As I wrap up my second year on the INTL* board and my first year as the Trustee Committee Chair, I thought it might be helpful to answer some common questions I receive about the INTL Board of Trustees.
Q: What does the board do?
The Board of Trustees of INTL is responsible for the governance and long-term planning for the school. In addition, the board approves academic and administrative policies for the school. The board is not responsible for the daily operations of the school.
We meet regularly during the school year and make decisions about the budget, fundraising, and other issues important to INTL’s long-term success. Trustees are expected to contribute their time, talent and/or treasure to ensure the long-term stability and growth of INTL.
Q: How are Trustees selected and what is the length of their term?
New trustees are nominated by the Trustee committee, based on referrals from board members, senior staff, or committees. New board members are elected after a vote from the entire board.
Board members serve for a three-year term, and can serve up to two consecutive terms. New trustees begin serving at the beginning of a new academic year.
Q: How is the board structured?
The INTL board is a working board and accomplishes much of its work through committees. Board committees are chaired by a board member, and often include other members of the INTL community or the broader outside community as appropriate.
There are currently 7 committees that meet regularly and make recommendations to the larger board:
• Finance: oversees all financial policies
• Development: focuses on all aspects of fundraising for INTL
• Investment: manages and reviews INTL’s investments
• Audit: completes INTL’s annual audit
• Site: reviews issues affecting our physical plant
• Trustee: recruits and educates new and current trustees
• Communications: strategically reviews school communications
In addition to the elected Trustees, two ex-officio members serve on the board: the Head of School and the PTA President. Two faculty members also attend board meetings to represent the teacher’s perspective and also relay information to the faculty.
Q: Are board members compensated for their service?
Board members perform their duties for the benefit of the school and do not receive any financial compensation for serving on the board.
Q: How can I learn more about what the Board is doing?
The Board schedules two meetings per year with the parent community. These meetings are announced on INTLnet and also via email to the school community. The Board encourages open communications from parents throughout the year on issues of importance to them.
A Personal Perspective
Serving on the INTL board has been a rewarding way for my family and me to give back to the school which has so richly educated our children. I thrive on seeing different aspects of the school and how it is managed. I am able to contribute my skills and ideas at a strategic level to benefit the school.
I take deeper pride in INTL as a result, and am also more informed on programs outside of my child’s grade.
How you can get involved
If you are interested in getting more involved, I encourage you to participate on one of our committees, which is the best way to get involved. Alternately you may email ISTPBoard@ISTP.org with your area of interest and what you can offer.
The INTL Board of Trustees encourages open communications with the entire INTL community. We welcome your feedback.
We look forward to working with you to make INTL a stronger, better school.
*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.