Sensory exploration in the Nursery classroom is one of the most important aspects of the learning process. Refining the senses helps build the skills necessary for further academic and creative development. Sensory exploration at this age allows the child to experience new concepts and knowledge on a deeper level, where they are more likely to remember what they’ve learned, and apply it to future experiences (both inside and outside the classroom). Sensory exploration can be applied across multiple learning styles, so it fits very well into our differentiated curriculum. We strive to use sensory experiences to heighten the students’ learning and engage their imagination.
Prior to the unit, students were introduced to smaller farm animals with a mobile petting zoo. The students were able to have hands on experience with lop-eared bunnies, chickens, lambs, goats, and pigs. As they observed the animals they were posed leading questions related to both tactile and olfactory senses. What does the coat of the lamb feel like? How does the milk from the goat smell? How are the pig’s feet different from the bunny’s? These leading questions allow the child to begin detailed observation.
A farm sensory bin provided them with more opportunities to explore the senses on a farm. The bin included toy animals, hay, corn, apple scent, leaves, pinecones, and mini pumpkins.
We sang “Old MacDonald” while using physical representations of each animal on the farm. They continued with a Farm Animal Sound Bingo to help them identify the appropriate sound associations. Lastly, we read books about farms which explained the functions of different animals on the farm. The students were intrigued with many animals but ultimately we decided to focus on the farmer and three different animals.
The process that followed was one of inquiry and creativity. We posed questions on the chosen animal’s habits, function/activities, sounds, and appearance. The children collaborated to come up with a description of each animal’s actions and sounds. For example, a child described the sheep as “soft and fluffy white,” and that they make wool for others. Students learned about sheep through the nursery rhyme “Baa Baa Black Sheep,” then used what they learned to make a sheep page in their farm books, using cotton balls to create a body that actually felt like a real sheep.
After our farm unit, the sensory exploration continued through our exploration of the world of Arctic animals. The children learned the names, characteristics, and habitats of the animals, building their vocabulary along the way. We primarily focused on the walrus, orca, polar bear, narwhal, Arctic seal, and penguin. Students also learned about the native people of the Arctic, the Inuit. They created their own Arctic scene centered on an igloo made from tissue paper. They applied their knowledge of space and size to place their narwhals and polar bears in their Arctic scenes. The children were proud to see their creations displayed in their classrooms!
Finally, the children participated in a water and ice experiment to highlight the purpose of blubber for Arctic animals. They learned that blubber keeps the animals warm in icy water. Using latex gloves stuffed with shortening, they discovered that the “blubber shortening” kept their hand from feeling the cold icy water. This was a fun tactile experience as well!
In summary, children learn best and retain more information when their senses are engaged. This also makes learning more fun! The children will always be more focused on and excited about what they are participating in throughout the learning process when it involves all of their senses.
*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.