Every year at Arts Night, I am in awe of the thoughtful student projects, and also how the event pulls the school community together. This year’s virtual event format was an opportunity to showcase technology and creativity through many types of projects.
The theme of our 2020 Arts Night was Alone Together, and students dug deep into their feelings, and reflected through visual art and innovative uses of technology.
Pre-School students reflected on the year 2020, by creating adorable sunshine collages, and answering the question “What makes you happy?” Teacher Ying created a touching compilation, which included answers such as “Pictures with my mommy and daddy make me happy”, or “School and the teachers make me happy.”

Second Grade students expanded upon the IB Unit “Who we are”, and how to care for their own health, through colored pencil drawings. Arts pieces included drawings of different flowers, leaves, fruits and vegetables - all things that provide nutrition. Teacher Anne-Sophie commented, “The objective of these compositions was to create a harmonious ensemble. Under the theme Alone Together, each composition conveys harmony between individual components.”
Second Grade

Teacher Haiying worked with Third Grade students on an interdisciplinary project between art and the IB unit, “How the world works.” Students drew different options in colored pen/pencil, and then transformed their objects into their own 3D models. Images included everything from bananas, dragons, even to the Golden Gate Bridge! Haiying said, “This learning process gives students the opportunity to see the world up close as well as in depth.”
Third Grade
Eighth Grade students worked with both art teachers, as well as design teacher Elisabeth Lepert on a project to unite art and technology. Students were asked, ‘“where is my safe place, and how can I improve it?” Students used augmented reality to transform three different views drawn of their safe place, into an animated version of the same space in 3D. The project used the design program Co-space, while still showcasing their original drawings. The Teachers reflected, “The pencil drawings represent calm moments spent alone while we are isolated, while the animated world represents the future when we will once again be together. This project allowed students to reflect on different perspectives of the same space.”
In addition to the extraordinary art, Arts Night wouldn’t be the same without our caring school community. Over 500 students, families and grandparents joined the Zoom call, to hear presentations about each class project, and enjoy a short social time.

The excitement during the virtual presentations was palpable, and seeing familiar smiling faces throughout the evening, brought joy to everyone. Even during this time Alone, it reminds me how much our school community remains Together!
To view all class projects, please visit: www.svintl.org/artsnight. We think the Arts Night website is a true reflection of the high quality work delivered everyday.