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Featured Alumna - Ariana Meyers, ‘10 (8th Grade) 

Featured Alumna - Ariana Meyers, ‘10 (8th Grade)

In a world that thrives on diversity and cultural exchange, Ariana Meyers stands out as a shining example of someone who has harnessed the power of an international education to navigate the complex terrain of the globalized era. Her journey from Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to the enchanting streets of Paris is a testament to the transformative impact of an education that transcends borders. 

“[INTL]* influenced my life in a huge way! I am sure that I would not have the life I have built in Paris if I had not gone to INTL. Growing up immersed in French language and culture inspired my desire to move to Paris, and made this whole part of my life possible. I discovered my love for this city and my desire to move here when I came to visit friends from INTL at 16 years old. I am very grateful for the lifelong friends I am lucky enough to still have in my life today, more than 13 years after leaving INTL.”

Early Beginnings: A Foundation at INTL
Ariana's journey began at INTL, where she attended from kindergarten through 8th grade. Her immersion in the French program for nine years not only honed her language skills but also provided her with a deep appreciation for the culture. Reflecting on those formative years, she shared, "Not only learning the language young, but I also took away a great appreciation for the culture and for many other cultures! I am grateful to have been introduced to Chinese culture through INTL, for example. I think growing up in such an international environment was greatly beneficial to my life."

INTL's commitment to fostering cultural understanding and global citizenship laid the groundwork for Ariana's future adventures. It was here that she first learned the value of embracing diverse perspectives and exploring the world with an open heart.

2002 at ISTP with Hayat-1st gradeHigh School and Beyond: A Journey of Exploration
Following her time at INTL, Ariana embarked on the next phase of her educational journey. She attended Menlo School, where her international mindset continued to flourish. She was well-prepared to engage with a diverse student body and adapt to new academic challenges.

However, it was her college years that truly marked the beginning of her global odyssey. In her third year of college, she made the bold decision to study abroad in Florence and Bologna, Italy. This experience was transformative, as she immersed herself in a new culture and language. The year spent in Italy not only deepened her linguistic abilities but also ignited a passion for cultural exploration. 

Upon returning to the United States, Ariana graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a double degree in Communication and Art History. Her academic pursuits set the stage for a journey that would lead her to the heart of the communication and creative industries. 

Mastering Communication: A Path at Sciences PO 
Ariana's desire to explore the world and her diverse interests converged when she pursued a Master's program at Sciences PO in Communication, Media, and Creative Industries. This decision proved to be instrumental in shaping her career. She reflected, "The biggest takeaway for me was being taught by professionals in the field and receiving not only a theoretical education in communication in business but also the practical applications that I have taken with me into my career."

It was during her time at Sciences PO that Ariana honed her skills and gained invaluable insights from experts in the field. She was preparing herself for a career that would span borders and industries.

Graduation-With-DadFrom Museums to Media: Ariana's Professional Journey
After completing her education, Ariana ventured into the world of work with a deep sense of purpose and an international perspective. Her first post-graduate role took her to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, where she worked in the travel department. There, she planned art-related itineraries and organized tours for museum members. Her background in French and Italian became a significant asset, especially when leading a cruise to the French and Italian Riviera.

However, her international journey had only just begun. Ariana's next step led her to an internship at the Musée National Picasso Paris, a prestigious institution that houses a vast collection of the legendary artist's works. She was responsible for compiling press materials for various exhibitions and played a vital role in the "Celebration Picasso" project, a collaboration between 35+ international museums to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Picasso's passing. 

One highlight of her time at the museum was giving a private tour to the renowned English actor Bill Nighy, a testament to her expertise and passion for the arts.

Ariana's next career move brought her to EssenceMediacom as an Account Executive. Her interest in communication and her innate ability to understand people found a perfect outlet in the world of media. She shared, "I am interested in people, and people are at the core of everything we do in communication and media. It is all about understanding people and how best to reach them with your message. I find it fascinating!"

Paris: A Home and a Hub
Ariana's professional journey eventually led her to Paris, a city that encapsulates the essence of cultural diversity and artistic vibrancy. Her experience at INTL, which had nurtured her French language skills and cultural appreciation, proved to be an invaluable asset as she embarked on this exciting chapter of her life.

Living in Paris, she found herself immersed in the daily use of the French language, navigating the intricacies of French administration, and building a stable life and career. Her ability to communicate fluently in French opened doors and enabled her to create a fulfilling life in the city she now calls home.

Reflecting on her journey, Ariana expressed her gratitude, stating, "My background in French was instrumental in finding a job and being able to create a stable life and career. I still have a little accent, but I owe my fluency and comfort with this language to INTL, and I am grateful every day that I was able to learn so young! Now I am working alongside French professionals with no problems."

City-Of-Lights2A Bright Future in the City of Lights
As Ariana approaches her 30s, she finds herself in a moment of transition, excitement, and anticipation. She has no certainty about where the future will take her, but she is confident that Paris is where she wants to be. She shared, "I am looking forward to really building my life here in France. I'm at a time in my life (quickly approaching 30!!) that everything feels big and exciting and daunting and wonderful."

In this ever-changing world, Ariana Meyers embodies the spirit of adaptability, cultural appreciation, and global understanding. Her journey from INTL to Paris serves as a remarkable testament to the power of an international education and the boundless opportunities it can unlock.

As she continues to explore the avenues of communication, media, and creative industries, Ariana carries with her the lessons learned at INTL, the memories of cultural immersion in Italy, and the enriching experiences of Paris. Her story reminds us that embracing the global mindset can lead to a future filled with endless possibilities.

Ariana Meyers' journey is far from over, and we are excited to see where her global perspective and unwavering passion will take her next. Paris, the city of lights and culture, is not just her current home; it's a canvas on which she is painting her dreams.

In the words of Ariana, "I don't really know where the future will take me, but I am grateful to be doing this part of my life in the best city in the world."

We celebrate Ariana's remarkable journey, her commitment to lifelong learning, and her embodiment of the global mindset. Her story serves as an inspiration to all, reminding us that an international education can empower us to thrive in an ever-changing world.

If you are an INTL alumni who would like to have your own story shared with the community, please can submit an alumni update form here

To be a part of all that INTL has to offer and start your international journey today, please visit INTL's admissions page

2023 Sciences Po Graduation

*Silicon Valley International School (INTL) was formerly known as International School of the Peninsula.

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