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Featured Alumna - Dana Gawlitzek, ‘20 (12th Grade)

Featured Alumna - Dana Gawlitzek, ‘20 (12th Grade)

In the corridors of Silicon Valley International School (INTL), Dana Gawlitzek's educational journey unfolded, fueled by the German Immersion Program and the transformative International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. Dana's narrative is a testament to how INTL's emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills prepares students for global success. 

From Kindergarten to Graduation: Over a Decade at INTL 
Dana's INTL journey began in Kindergarten at what was then called GAIS*, immersing her in the German language and culture. For thirteen years, she embraced the educational continuum, graduating in 2020 as a part of the school’s very first graduating high school class. Reflecting on her time, Dana fondly remembers the myriad field trips that not only expanded her knowledge but also forged lasting connections with her classmates. "Trips to Yellowstone, Nicaragua, Mother Lode, and Yosemite allowed us to bond and made me feel closer to my classmates. Even today, we reminisce about those adventures," she recalled. 


A Lifelong Commitment to Language: German Beyond the Classroom
Dana's commitment to German extended beyond the classroom. Even after graduation, she continues to use the language daily. "I communicate with my immediate family in the U.S. and extended family in Germany. Joining the German club in university allowed me to continue using the language, ensuring I didn't lose the valuable skill acquired at INTL," Dana affirmed.

The significance of maintaining her German proficiency was underscored by her familial ties. "Both of my parents and my whole family are from Germany, so German is really important to me. I wanted to be able to communicate with them," she added.


IB Programme: A Rigorous Preparation for University 
Dana's commitment to academic excellence led her to prioritize enrollment in INTL's High School IB Programme. She acknowledged the programme's rigor, especially the requirement to take three high-level courses. "The IB Programme is a lot more rigorous than what students at other schools are doing because we were required to take three high-level courses, which I feel really prepared me for college," Dana remarked. She believes the advanced assignments in the IB Programme gave her a head start in college.

One teacher who left a lasting impression on Dana was Emily Carroll, her Biology teacher. Dana spoke warmly of her, noting that Ms. Carroll's teaching style made the subject enjoyable and engaging. "She always made the class very fun and enjoyable, which I think is very important for this subject," Dana expressed. 


Nurturing a Passion for Science: Dana's Evolution at INTL 
INTL played a pivotal role in nurturing Dana's burgeoning love for science as she developed an interest in biological sciences in High School. The key moment came during her final year of the IB Diploma Programme when she delved into neuroscience for her culminating assignment. "Completing my assignment on neuroscience really helped me determine that this was what I wanted to study at university," she acknowledged.

IB Advantage: A Smooth Transition to University and Beyond
As Dana transitioned from INTL to American University in Washington D.C., majoring in Neuroscience, she recognized the advantages bestowed upon her by the IB curriculum. "The IB prepared me a lot for university and gave me a deeper understanding of the subjects I learned. A lot of the content we covered in college felt familiar since I had already learned about it during high school," she explained. 

Dana and her fiend during the holidays

The academic skills honed through the IB Programme, such as Internal Assessments and the Extended Essay, equipped Dana with the tools needed for university-level research. "I noticed that a lot of my peers in college were not as comfortable with these types of assignments coming into college. Also, at INTL, we did a lot of presentations, which made me a very comfortable public speaker, something which some of my friends have trouble doing," she added.

Pursuing Neuroscience: A Passion that Heals
Inspired by a summer program that delved into the intricacies of the brain, especially concerning Parkinson's Disease and its treatment using deep brain stimulation, Dana found her calling. "It was fascinating to learn how a little bit of electricity placed in the right spot can completely stop tremors. Neuroscience is crucial as the brain affects everything we are," Dana emphasized. 


The Next Chapter: Imperial College Beckons 
In a recent milestone, Dana received an offer to Imperial College in London, where she will attend the graduate program in Translational Neuroscience, focusing on Neuroimaging and Psychology. Expressing her enthusiasm, Dana said, "I'm really excited to move abroad and experience a new environment while studying the Neuroscience topics that I'm most interested in." 

As INTL is incredibly proud of Dana's academic achievements, her education journey is not nearly over. With aspirations for a Ph.D. and future research opportunities, Dana stands as an excellent example of the power of a holistic, global education in shaping young minds. We, at INTL, are thrilled to see Dana's continued success and contributions to the field of neuroscience. 

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*German American International School (GAIS) is the former name of Alto International School (ALTO). ALTO merged with INTL in 2020.

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A bilingual International Baccalaureate education from Preschool to High School.
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