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Countdown to Wine Auction

The final countdown to any major event includes a lot of preparation, follow-up, and attention to detail; it’s truly a flurry of activity. We are constantly e-mailing, calling vendors, sponsors and supporters, preparing lots, double checking with the venue, registering guests, etc. It’s a lot of work for a one-night event, but it is absolutely worth it!

This year’s (Sunday, October 10) Soirée du Vin wine auction is especially close to my heart. 2010 marks the 5th anniversary of Soirée du Vin, and I am so excited to reach this milestone. Five years ago, I alumni parent and Soirée du Vin Lifetime Honorary Chairperson, Clydene Bultman, started this wine auction to support INTL’s Charlotte de Géry Endowment Fund, which helps to provide for the school’s future. Here we are, five years later, and the event is a big hit with our community and wine enthusiasts in the Silicon Valley.

There’s less than a week left to purchase your tickets or table, and I really hope you will join us. Let’s face it, we’re a community of epicureans — we have an appetite for food, wine, and life — and that’s what Soirée du Vin is all about! My mouth is watering, just thinking about the wine paired menu we have in store for our guests, and I am sure everyone will enjoy the pouring vintner hour and classic European car exhibition. The Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club is a lovely venue that allows people to enjoy the gorgeous Fall weather we’ve been having, and the enticing list of auction items is sure to attract a wide variety of bidders.

If you’re free on Sunday, why not enjoy the evening with us? You can purchase your ticket(s) or table here. Until then, if you have any questions, you can always stop by the Advancement Office... but watch out for the hurricane!

 *In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.

Fostering bilingual leaders with boundless futures.
Learn more about our school.

A bilingual International Baccalaureate education from Preschool to High School.
Chinese. French. German