Every year, our French immersion students in the elementary school at INTL* take the "Dictée PGL", a French-style spelling/dictation test, and the "Kangourou Contest", a math contest. This year our students did very well.
Dictée PGL :
La Dictée PGL was created as a way to encourage children to improve their French writing skills. Placing or winning at dictée is a tremendous accomplishment, as French language can be challenging to write. There are numerous grammar, sentence structure and spelling rules to remember and follow and the dictée rigorously tests students’ writing mechanics skills.
Stella K.
Marc A.
Maya K.
Caroline B.
Maya M.
Alyssa H.
Charlotte A.
Rémi S. (Entered at regionals and worlds!)
Nicolas A.
Philippe R.
Kangourou : (student ranking/total number of participants)
The Kangourou's contest main purpose is to promote mathematical and critical thinking skills. This test is given to students across the world with more than 6 million participants.
Luca E. (60/33647)
Gregoire B. (291/33647)
John P. (353/33647)
Lily T. (264/27839)
Alyssa H. (278/27839)
Philippe M. (339/27839)
Alexandros K. (261/23639)
Claire M. (325/23639)
Gina D. (404/23639)
*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.