1.Get there early. Secure your spot and get ready for a great show! Don’t forget to charge your camera and bring it with you!
2.Buy plenty of tickets. No matter how many tickets you buy, I promise you, it won’t seem like enough. Buy your tickets in bundles so you won’t have to keep lining up to purchase more. After all, it’s for a good cause! :-)
3.Study the dunk tank schedule very carefully. Philippe is scheduled to be “in the tank” for 30 minutes...
4.Bring a hat and sunscreen. In the 18 different Kermesses I have been to, I have never seen a June Kermesse rained out. Be prepared for the weather.
5.Bring a change of clothes for your child(ren). Somewhere, somehow, a group of children will be engaging in a water fight. Your child might be in that group!
6.Wait 30 minutes for the degustation. INTL* cooks are incredible! Everyone knows it, and lines up immediately at 12 Noon, when the degustation opens. However, if you wait 30 minutes... You’ll be able to enjoy the meal without too long of a wait in line.
7.Volunteer for your class booth. The rewards you reap will be far greater than the 30 minute time commitment. You’ll be a hero to your class, child, and school!
8.Quench your thirst AND speak to a Board member. Would you like to speak to a Board member one-on-one? This is your chance. You can find them at the drink booth at the center of Kermesse.
9.Line up for crêpes. Early. I have seen this line last as long as one hour to get through. If you want your crêpe, get in line early! Of course, if it’s a hot day, then the snow cone line might be longer... So choose your battle!
10. The Best Kept Secret... Let’s admit it. Kermesse can be a long day. The Indian Food Booth is the only place you can get tasting cups of beer. You just might need it.
PS – Don’t forget to say “hi” to our new INTL families for 2011-2012. Some of them will be at Kermesse, wearing a “I’m a new INTLian” yellow button! Thank you for welcoming them to our school!
PPS – Our “Queen of the Day” for Kermesse will be crowned before the performances. Say hello to Her Highness, Emily Jennett! She’ll be wearing a crown and a badge.
*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.