As parents, you choose to give the incomparable gift of a bilingual immersion education. By choosing INTL* you believe in the mission of our school and want the very best for your child. Along with this choice is the responsibility to support our students in every way possible, in order to ensure their success. One very large way a parent can directly support their child's education is through giving to the Annual Fund. With 5 days left until Winter Break, we'd like to offer you 5 reasons why we all need to give to the Annual Fund.
Reason 1: Our incredible faculty and staff.
For over 30 years, ISTP faculty and staff have been lighting the way for students, preparing them for a world of limitless possibilities, and taking to heart the responsibility of educating and encouraging children to reach their full potential.
Our teachers are special because they enrich the lives of their students not just through what they teach in textbooks, but also through the different cultures they share. They're native speakers of the language in which they teach, and they impart the understanding, sensitivity, and nuances of their culture to students in an academically rigorous environment.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="620" caption="Elizabeth was always known for leading by example."]
Do it for our incredible teachers!
Reason 2: I get to be a leader in our community.
The ISTP of today would not have been possible without leaders in the community; individuals who step up and help shoulder the responsibility for making our school be the best it can possibly be.
Community leaders like Annual Fund Champion Jennifer Bienaimé and past parent Elizabeth Woo helped lead the way.
When asked about her role as Annual Fund Champion, Jennifer says, "it’s tough. When I asked people if they were planning on donating, some of them asked me why they need to donate. I explained to them that 53% of their donation goes towards teacher salaries and benefits, and if we can all donate together, the teachers will understand that we’re doing this for them."
Elizabeth Woo, whose daughter just graduated from ISTP in May, speaks about the Annual Fund as a willing obligation. "We added on $2,500 per year extra, because that is what the school says is the difference between the cost to educate and tuition. We feel, if we are able to afford it, it is our responsibility to pay our share.”
Reason 3: Because if I can do it, you can do it, too.
While teaching our children about philanthropy helps them grow, learn about compassion, and understanding, sometimes we can be the students and our children can be our teachers. If children love their school enough to give, it enriches the entire community. If they can do it, you can, too!Senya L., age 7, found a nickel one day on his way into school. Instead of keeping the 5 cents for himself, he decided to give it to the Annual Fund. Senya says he knows the Annual Fund happens every year, and he wanted to help so that another sticker from the [Annual Fund] thermometer could come off.
Reason 4: We're "many cultures, one world."
An ISTP education teaches through language, within a multicultural context. Students are equipped with respect for other cultures and ways of thinking; they are able to manage the world's complexities with confidence. They're adaptable, open, understanding, and accepting."At an early age, I learned to appreciate other cultures and other points of view, and this is especially important when you work in a multinational environment on a daily basis. It is essential that you have an ability to view the world through different lenses. Silicon Valley International School of the Peninsula provided a foundation for exploring other cultures and other ways of doing things, and helped me become seriously interested in pursuing an international career." - Colin S.
Reason 5: We need each other to cross the finish line.
As a community, we all need to band together to reach our goals. Not only do we need to reach a certain amount of monies raised, but we are also looking to reach 100% participation amongst our families, faculty, and staff.At independent schools, there is a "gap" between the actual cost of educating a student and tuition. We need to bridge this gap by raising the equivalent of that difference, per student.
To date, we have received $307,000 which is the equivalent of $533 per child. With the Gap at $2,450, we are at 21% of our goal, which is a great start, but we still have a very long way to go. This is a community effort, and with participation at 46% every gift and every dollar matters.
While some families are not able to give the gap, other families can give the gap and above. We encourage everyone to give to the best of their ability, to help us cover the difference and fulfill our annual budgetary needs. It will take everyone to help us cross the finish line and reach all of our goals.
*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.