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Girl Scouts Make a Difference on Campus and in Community

Girl Scouts Make a Difference on Campus and in Community

by Sanam Y., 5th grade French immersion student

The Bronze Award

The Bronze Award is the highest award that a Junior Girl Scout can earn.  It is around taking action on a problem we see or making our environment or community a better place.  Our troop leader said we should create something unique and original that will help the community. Our troop project has two parts to it: The Zone and the Ronald McDonald House.

The Zone

The 5th Grade INTL* Girl Scout Troop created The Zone on Cohn Campus in an unused space behind the garbage cans. It will be a fun place for a teacher to take class outside, teachers to have lunch or breaks there, and for parents to hang out. We planted different vegetables such as snap peas, tomatoes, and flowers. By putting in tree stumps and a bench, we have made it a place for a classtime. We still have more work to do over the summer before it's totally finished. The Zone is school property and is a NO-SMOKING ZONE!

The Ronald McDonald House

The Ronald McDonald House is a house for families with kids that have cancer, leukemia or serious illnesses. This house is about five minutes away from the Lucile Packard’s Children Hospital. Since these kids are not in good health, they are not allowed to have real flowers so we created "Pots of Love." The pots are made with fake flowers and pebbles for soil for the 47 rooms. There is a clip in each one for a picture or a card. We wanted to bring a little bit of cheer to the kids rooms.  The potted gardens turned out really nice!!!

Quotes from the girls:  

Jenna said, “It was an amazing experience!”

Aurélie said, “Nothing is more fun than watching something grow.”

Sanam said, “It was interesting and a big thanks to everyone who helped especially Maintenance and Amy Nader.”

*In 2020, the International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) formally changed its name to Silicon Valley International School (INTL) to better reflect its bilingual programs, location, and international values.

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